Avtor/Urednik     Serša, G
Naslov     Tumor necrosis factor - biological characteristics and applications in cancer therapy
Prevedeni naslov     Tumorski nekrozni faktor - biološke značilnosti in protitumorsko delovanje
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 63, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. II-35-II-4
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. Cytokines modulate and/or mediate many essential biological processes, particularly those involved in cell growth, activation and differentiation. Although tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was originally discovered as a molecule with antitumor activity, it has recently been recognized for its pleiotropic function in the cytokine network. TNF is an important mediator of immune response and inflammation. It is also selectively cytotaxic to some malignant cells in vitro, but this property does not always correlate with its antitumor activity in vivo. Many tumors are sensitive in vivo to TNF treatment, although their tumor cells are in vitro TNF resistant. This indicates that TNF antitumor effects in vivo are host-mediated, via effects on tumor vasculature and stimulation of specific host immune antitumor response. Although TNF was demonstrated to be effective on solid tumors in animal models, results of clinical trials were disappointing. Very few objective tumor responses were recorded, with severe adverse effects after intravenous TNF treatment. In order to increase therapeutic index, TNF was tested in combination with other treatment modalities. In most combinations, TNF has proved to act synergistically. Combinations with other cytokines, such as interferons, IL-2, topoisomeraze targeted chemotherapeutics, radiotherapy, electrotherapy, and hyperthermia were also tested. Perspectives of TNF applications seem to be in local TNF treatment, aimed to increase its antitumor effectiveness and decrease side effects. for TNF into broader clinical use. Conclusions. Additionally, most of these combined modality treatments require clinical testing. These directions may path the way
Deskriptorji     NEOPLASMS