Author/Editor     Kukec, Andreja; Farkaš-Lainščak, Jerneja; Eržen, Ivan; Zaletel-Kragelj, Lijana
Title     #A #prevalence study on outdoor air pollution and respiratory diseases in children in Zasavje, Slovenia, as a lever to trigger evidence-based environmental health activities
Translated title     Študija povezanosti med prevalenco dihal pri otrocih in onesnaženostjo zunanjega zraka v Zasavju kot vzvod za sprožitev z dokazi podprtih aktivnosti za izboljšanje okoljskega zdravja
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. 1
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 9-22
ISSN     0004-1254 - Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju
Language     eng
Abstract     The aim of this study was to estimate the population burden of respiratory diseases in the Zasavje region of Slovenia that can be attributed to outdoor air pollution in order to gain relevant grounds for evidence based public health activities. In 2008, 981 schoolchildren (age 6 to 12 years) were observed in a prevalence study. The prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) and frequent acute respiratory symptoms (FARS) was related to the level of outdoor air pollution in the local environment (low, moderate and high pollution areas). Logistic regression was used as a method for statistical analysis. The prevalence of CRD was 3.0 % in low pollution areas, 7.5 % in moderate pollution areas, and 9.7 % in high pollution areas (p=0.005). After adjustment for the effects of confounders, 2.91-times higher odds for CRD were registered in high pollution areas in comparison to low pollution areas (p=0.017). The prevalence of FARS was: 7.8 % in low pollution areas, 13.3 % in moderate pollution areas and 15.9 % in high pollution areas (p=0.010). After adjustment for the effects of confounders, 2.02-times higher odds for FARS were registered in high pollution areas in comparison to low pollution areas (p=0.023). The study confirmed a significantly higher prevalence of CRD and FARS in children living in high pollution areas of Zasavje. These results at least partially prompted mutual understanding and cross-sectoral cooperation - prerequisites for solving complex problems involving the impact of air pollution on health.
Keywords     kronične bolezni dihal
onesnaženost zraka
pogosti akutni respiratorni simptomi
chronic respiratory diseases
air pollution
frequent acute respiratory symptoms