Author/Editor | Fujs Komloš, Kristina; Košorok, Pavle; Kocjan, Boštjan; Poljak, Mario | |
Title | Genetic diversity of HPV-6 in concurrent multiple anogenital warts | |
Type | članek | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 22, št. 1 | |
Publication year | 2013 | |
Volume | str. 31-33 | |
ISSN | 1318-4458 - Acta dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica, et Adriatica | |
Language | eng | |
Abstract | Introduction: Anogenital warts (AGW) are the most common benign tumors in the anogenital area. They are etiologically associated with alpha human papillomaviruses (HPV), in more than 90% of cases with HPV-6 and HPV-11. AGW frequently displays a multifocal and multicentric appearance. However, it is not clear whether the occurrence of multiple AGW in a particular patient is a consequence of infection with single or multiple HPV genomic variants of a given HPV genotype. Methods: Forty-five HPV-6 isolates from fresh-frozen AGW tissue specimens, obtained from 18 patients with concurrent multiple AGW, were included. The entire HPV-6 L1, E5a, E5b ORFs, and LCR genomic region was sequenced. Results: Fourteen different HPV-6 L1-LCR-E5a-E5b genomic variants were identified among 18 patients with concurrent multiple AGW. In 17 out of 18 patients, a single identical HPV-6 L1-E5a-E5b-LCR genomic variant was identified in all concurrent multiple AGW collected in an individual patient. Co-infection with two different HPV-6 genomic variants was identified in one patient. Discussion: The presence of an identical HPV genomic variant in all concurrently present multiple AGW within an individual patient supports the hypothesis that the occurrence of multiple concurrent AGW is a consequence of infection with a single HPV-6 genomic variant, rather than infection with multiple genomic variants of HPV-6. | |
Keywords | HPV-6 virus anogenitalne bradavice genetika |