Author/Editor     Gubenšek, F
Title     O toksinih iz kačjih strupov
Translated title     Snake venoms toxins
Type     članek
Source     Raziskovalec
Vol. and No.     Letnik 24, št. 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 5-15
Language     slo
Abstract     Presynaptic neurotoxin developed during the evolution in venom glands of some snakes from nontoxic phospholipases A2. The exact mode of action of these toxins is not known, it is, however, known that they block neuromuscular transmission and cause paralysis and finaly death of the victim. Studies of the mechanism of action of neurotoxins helped to understand the action of nervous system. With the help of others, already well characterized neurotoxins, have been studied numerous events in the membranes of peripheral and central nervous system in great detail. Ammodytoxins are a group of phospholipase A2 isoenzymes that acquired neurotoxicity within the single molecule, in contrast to other presynaptic neurotoxins that need two or more subunits to express full toxicity. The studies described here intend to determine wich of the 122 amino acids in the molecule of ammodytoxin A are responsible for its neurotoxicity. Immunochemical methods and genetic and protein engineering are being used to determine which parts of the molecular surface are involved in particular events that occur in the process of intoxication with this type of neurotoxins. Our studies should also contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of action of this group of neurotoxins. Some of the younger scientists involved in these studies last year, successfully defended their doctoral theses.
Descriptors     SNAKE VENOMS