Author/Editor     Planinšek, F
Title     Vpliv kajenja na kožno temperaturo replantiranih in zdravih prstov
Translated title     The effect of smoking on the skin temperature of replanted and healthy fingers
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 48
Language     slo
Abstract     There is a common belief, that smoking or any other use of tobacco in the early postoperative period after microsurgery is a risk factor for a thrombosis at the level of the anastomosis. It is known, that nicotine increases the tone of peripheral vessels several months after surgery. The vascular spasm is mediated by neural mechanisms. In the replanted finger or in the free flap all vessels are completely denervated in the early postoperative period. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sympathetic stimulus (smoking) on the denerevated vessels in replanted fingers. Nine patients, all smokers with traumatic amputation of one or more fingers were included in the study. The skin temperature of a replanted and symetrical healthy finger was measured with a digital two-channel thermometer (with semiconductor). Periods of 5 minutes immediately before smoking and 5 minutes after were statistically analysed. They found a significant fall of temperature in the healthy finger after smoking, of 0.77 deg C (p=0.023). The temperature of replanted finger fell only 0.08 deg C. The fall was not significant (p=0.13). The temperature of the replanted finger before smoking was lower than the temperature of the symetrical healthy finger by 0.94 deg C (p=0.022). Variability of temperatures of each healthy finger was higher than the variability of temperatures of replanted fingers in the same period. After smoking the difference was smaller, though still significant, being 0.115 seg C (p=0.001). Temperatures in replanted fingers with proximal anastomoses on the dorsal branch of the radial artery were higher than the temperatures in replanted fingers with direct anastomoses to the digital arteries. The difference was 0.61 deg C (p less th. 0.05). Use of tobacco in the early postoperative period is not a risk factor for acute spasm of vessel at the level of the anastomosis of the replanted finger or free tissue transfer.(trunc.)
Descriptors     FINGER INJURIES