Avtor/Urednik     Leva, Marjetka; Križmarić, Miljenko
Naslov     Presejalni testi atrijske fibrilacije z enokanalnim prenosnim EKG-aparatom
Prevedeni naslov     Screening tests of atrial fibrillation with single-channel portable ECG device
Tip     članek
Vir     267427584
Leto izdaje     2013
Obseg     str. 358-361
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Enokanalni prenosni EKG monitor omogoča EKG zapis samo v enem odvodu. V raziskavi smo na primarni ravni v patronažnem varstvu, ugotavljali njegovo diagnostično vrednost pri klasifikaciji atrijske fibrilacije (AF) s strani zdravnikov in medicinskih sester na skupnem vzorcu 123 bolnikov. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta oba zdravnika in vse tri patronažne medicinske sestre dosegli visoko specifičnost in senzitivnost pri odkrivanju AF s prenosnim enokanalnim EKG-monitorjem. Zdravnika sta diagnosticirala AF s senzitivnostjo 84% (Cl=73-91%) in 82% (CI=71-89%). Patronažne medicinske sestre so dosegle senzitivnost 79% (CI=68-87%), 81% (CI=70-88%) in 78% (CI=66-86%). S presejalnim testom, kjer smo uporabljali prenosni EKG-monitor, smo na vzorcu 60 preiskovancev na terenu odkrili 7 novih primerov AF (incidenca 12%).We were interested to see whether we could detect AF with the portable OMRON HCG 801 ECG monitor and what the incidence of the screening test for AF would be. The results obtained by the physicians and home care nurses showed, that they all achieved a high diagnostic value for AF diagnosis with the single-channel portable ECG monitor. The physicians diagnosed AF with a sensitivity of 84 % (CI = 73-91%) and 82% (CI=71-89%).The home care nurses achieved a sensitivity of 79% (Cl=68- 87%), 81% (CI=70-88%) and 78% (CI=66-86%). We diagnosed 7 cases of AF from a group of 60 patients with the screening test by using the portable ECG monitor (an incidency of 12 %).
Proste vsebinske oznake     atrijska fibrilacija
presejalni test
enokanalni prenosni EKG monitor
atrial fibrillation
screening test
portable single-channel ECG monitor