Author/Editor     Kovačev, AN
Title     Simbolične implikacije barv in njihov položaj na dimenziji ugajanja
Translated title     The symbolic implications of colours and their position on the dimension of pleasantness
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 4-6
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 105-27
Language     slo
Abstract     Colours as natural phenomena do not have meanings, but many of their symbolic implications have remained in the tradition of different cultures. The purpose of the present study was to ascertain colour preferences of Slovenes and the symbolic meanings of the main colours in the Slovene culture. The "Colour preference test" was constructed for this particular situation. It consisted of a colour band and the reply-form. The colour band was made of white pasteboard with nine colour squares (red, blue, yellow, violet, green, organge, brown, white, and black) on it. The subjects ranked the colours according to the method of extreme couples and put down all the words they could associate with them by meaning. Colour preferences were determined by calculating the average rank of colours and their repeated rankig. The rank-list pleasantness was compared with the results of similar researches on the subjects of other nations. The subjects of the Slovene sample manifested some declinations. The meaning structure of colours was determined by the categorization of their associations. After that their meaning categories were compared with their settled symbolic meanings in different cultures. There was a considerable congruency between the colour symbolic meanings of Slovenes and of other European nations.
Descriptors     COLOR