Author/Editor     Kompare, A
Title     Psihoanaliza je psihoanaliza
Translated title     Psycho-analysis is psycho-analysis
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 4-6
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 128-39
Language     slo
Abstract     This paper has no great ambitions, except perhaps for one, which at this moment seems daring enough: to explain some concepts by J. Lacan and read them in parallel with other thinkers, such as I. Kant (when dealing with ethics)., T. Szazs (when dealing with psycho-analysis). Our point of departure is the declared position of not-knowing; we read texts, but do not uderstand anything, we endeavour to explain to ourselves what we have read, we doubt, compare, wonder. What is psycho-analysis? From where and how does it work? What are its ethics? The questions to which we can never find satisfactory and complete answers come either prematurely, when we are unable to recognize them as such, or too late, when we already formulate the questions differently. This is, of course, the logic of "a missed encounter" which does not necessarily mean that the answers have missed the questions, they just do not coincide in linear time. Further in the text we pose questions about psycho-analysis and do not hurry with answers as this would only mean by-passing the problem often exposed by Lacan: "...the inability to found a praxis is reduced to the mere imposition of power."(Lacan, 1958, p. 6).
Descriptors     PSYCHOANALYSIS