Avtor/Urednik     Rutar, D
Naslov     Psihologija skozi psihoanalizo. IX. del. Zakaj je teorija potrebna?
Prevedeni naslov     Psychology throught psychoanalysis. Part IX. Why do we need a theory?
Tip     članek
Vir     Anthropos
Vol. in št.     Letnik 26, št. 4-6
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 140-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In this article we have tried to articulate a connection between Freund's theory of repression and Hegel's concept in which he is been trying to develop a distinction between soul and mind. It was a passion for theory that bound Freud and Hegel together. Their thesis was that the highest and most valuable task of man's mind and its proviso at the same time is the theory and theoretical work. Status of the theory is paradoxical: we can live and survive without it, but at the same time we lose our mind. The theory is, on the other side, the mind's highest possible achievement and proviso of man's identity because it deals with the concrete things. Every person is thus by definition a being of the theory whether he knows that or not. He has to engage in the theory although this brings him nothing but the true of himself and his position in the world. We have shown that scientific differentiation between human, social and natural sciences and disciplines cannot set bounds to the movement of the mind. There can be no homeostasis between different scientific disciplines. The mind is engaged in itself and this is also the way in which it produces knowledge. In this process it is inevitably engaged in all scientific disciplines, otherweise we cannot talk of the mind anymore. Instead of the mind we have only common sense, looking for some profit.