Avtor/Urednik     Černelč, Peter; Sever, Matjaž
Naslov     Naše izkušnje zdravljenja z azacitidinom pri bolnikih z akutno mieloično levkemijo, kronično mielomonocitno levkemijo in mielodisplastičnim sindromom
Prevedeni naslov     Our treatment experience with azacytidine in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia, chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome
Tip     članek
Vir     In: 4. kongres hematologov in transfuziologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo : Olimje, 12.-14. 4. 2012 : Olimje, 12.-14. April 2012 Ljubljana : Slovensko zdravniško društvo
Vol. in št.     Letnik 81, št. suppl.
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. II-49-II-55
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Background: Azacytidine was recently approved for treatment of adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) not elegible for intensive chemotherapy, forpatients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMMoL) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Prior to azacytidine, patients usually received low-dose ara-C, blood transfusions or growth factors with limited success. Here we present a single institution experience of patient treatment with azacytidine.Patients and treatment: From July 2009 to December 2012 we treated48 patients. Twenty patients had AML, nine refractory anemia (RA), eight refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB) type 1, eight RAEB type 2 and three had CMMoL. For various reasons, 17 patients received only one cycle of azacytidine: eight with AML, three with RA, three with RAEB-1, one with RAEB-2 and two with CMMoL. Four patients received only two cycles of azacytidine: two with AML, one with RAEB-1 and one with RAEB-2. We used standard protocol of azacytidine 75 mg/m2 s.c. for seven days every 28 days. Treatment results were expected after three to four cycles of azacytidine. Results: Thirty-two patients received three or more cycles of azacytidine. Outof 13 AML patients, seven (54 %) went into remission and six (46 %) failed therapy. Out of seven RA patients, six (86 %) went into remission, one patienthad partial remission and one patient failed therapy. Five (100 %) patients with RAEB-1 as well as two (67 %) patients with RAEB-2 failed therapy. One patient with RAEB-2 had partial remission. Cytogenetic remission was seen only in one patient with RAEB-2. Only one (25 %) patient with CMMoL responded to therapy. Responders decreased their dependance to blood and platelet transfusions after three or four cycles of azacytidine. Conclusions: Azacytidine was succsessful in half of the treated patients with AML, MDS and CMMoL, who received at least three cycles of therapy. Appropriate patient selection for azacytidine treatment is mandatory.
Proste vsebinske oznake     azacitidin
akutna levkemija
kronična mielomonocitna levkemija
mielodisplastični sindrom
chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
myelodysplastic syndrome