Avtor/Urednik     Škorjanc, D; Šalehar, A; Eržen, I; Kastelic, M
Naslov     Relationships between light scattering, pH value and some fibre characteristics in post mortem m. longissimus dorsi and m. semimembranosus of different pig breeds
Prevedeni naslov     Povezanost odbojnosti svetlobe, pH vrednosti in nekaterih lastnosti mišičnih vlaken v post mortem m. longissimus dorsi in m. semimembranosus različnih pasem prašičev
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Biotehn Fak Univ Ljublj - Kmetijstvo
Vol. in št.     Letnik 64
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 57-62
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The objective of this work was to find out if any breed differences exist in light scattering or Fibre Optic Probe (FOP) and pH value in m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) and m. semimembranosus (MSM) of the four pig breeds. Moreever, we wanted to evaluate the relationships between meat quality indicators and muscle fibre characteristics. With increasing light scattering value (FOP), pH value in meat decreased (rp=-0.55, P less th. 0.05). The FOP value in MLD and MSM depended on muscle fibre characteristics in fascicles. With higher area rate of type 1, the FOP values decreased (rp=-0.12, P less th. 0.05) and contrary, with higher area rate of type 2A, the FOP values increased (rp=0.18, P less th. 0.05). In MLD boars of D breed had greater FOP value (37,94, P less th. 0.05) than boars of LW breed (28.48) and lower pH value (5.48, P less th. 0.05) than boars of LW (5.64) and GL (5.64) breeds. D boars had also the smallest pH value (5.55, P less th. 0.05) in MSM compared to the other three breeds. Similarly as in MLD, LW boars had lower FOP value (28.43, P less th. 0.05) than boars of GL breed. Our results showed breed differences in the FOP and pH values in MLD and MSM, and also indicated that FOP value was influenced by area rate of types 1 and 2A fibres. As documented, the FOP value depended on pH value.
Deskriptorji     MUSCLE FIBERS