Author/Editor     Škorjanc, D; Šalehar, A; Eržen, I; Kastelic, M
Title     Arrangement of fibre types in layers within muscle fascicles of m. longissimus dorsi and m. semimembranosus of different pig breeds
Translated title     Prostorska porazdelitev tipov vlaken v slojih mišičnih snopičev m. longissimus dorsi in m. semimembranosus različnih pasem prašičev
Type     članek
Source     Zb Biotehn Fak Univ Ljublj - Kmetijstvo
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 145-50
Language     eng
Abstract     The arrangement of fibre types in layers (1-3) within muscle fascicles was quantitatively studied in m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) and m. semimembranosus (MSM) in boars of Duroc (D, n=25), Large White (LW, n=25), German Landrace (GL, n=25) and Swedish Landrace (SL, n=25) breeds. Muscle fibres were arranged into layers, where the proportion of muscle fibre type in a single layer was standardised with the proportion of the same muscle fibre type within the whole fascicle. Type 2B fibres were predominant in the first layer below the perimysium of both muscles. The proportions of type 1 and 2A fibres were higher, the proportion of type 2B fibres was lower in the second and third layer. Breed differences in the frequency of fibre types were evident mainly in the layer 1 and 3.
Descriptors     MUSCLE FIBERS