Author/Editor     Vrbič, V
Title     Vključitev ortodontije v nacionalni zobozdravstveni preventivni program
Translated title     Incorporation of orthodontics in the national dental care preventive program of the Republic of Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Farčnik F, editor. Preventivna in interceptivna ortodontija. Zbornik predavanj strokovnega srečanja. Rantovi dnevi; 1994 Sep 29-Oct 1; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko ortodontsko društvo,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 7-10
Language     slo
Abstract     As a result of long-term execution of appropriate preventive measures a relatively good state of caries in children and young people has been reached in the Republic of Slovenia. This improvement is not yet seen in the grown up population, and also not in the field of other oral disease. Therefore we would like to include in the dental care prevention orthodontics, parodontology and gerontostomatology as well. Therefore in 1993 we formed the national dental care preventive program, and wented to include the orthodontic prevention program too. Because of partly differing and opposing views of experts, we have, for the time being, not yet come to a final and unanimous program of this kind in the field of orthodontic preventive and interceptive measures. It is our opinion that a final decision on present possibilities and the perspective of surch measures could be reached through the exchange of opinions of orthodontists and pedontologists. We believe that right opportunity for this. The frequency of orthodontic anomalies in our population is high and equal to the frequency in other European countries. However we find our orthodontic service, insufficient. With the help of mass orthodontic prevention, interceptive and other appropriate measures we wish to reduce the number of children waiting for orthodontic treatment.