Avtor/Urednik     Zupančič, M
Naslov     Pomen ortodonstke vzgoje pred ortodontskim zdravljenjem
Prevedeni naslov     The meaning of orthodontical education before the orthodontical treatment
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Farčnik F, editor. Preventivna in interceptivna ortodontija. Zbornik predavanj strokovnega srečanja. Rantovi dnevi; 1994 Sep 29-Oct 1; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko ortodontsko društvo,
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 163-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The planned orthodontical education before the beginning of treatment contains the orthodontical educational aims, a program proposal with orthodontical educational processes, organisation, teachingappliances and the selected subjects of learning. It is carried out by the orthodontical team in the orthodontical centre. It's efficiency is checked by the measures of co-operation. The program proposal contains: 1. The checking of the child's knowledge of oral hygiene, the existence of dental plaque and lessons until the desired dental education, 2. learning in a small group, 3. making acquaintance with the child, the family-analysis and the evaluation of possibility for success with a positive relation and dealing during the treatment, 4. the agreement with the child and its parents about the treatment-aim. Orthodontical education before the treatment improve the two-years bad cooperation at the treatment with the removable orthodontic appliance up to 20 per cent. Once success is achieved children are much more co-operative. Nowdays there is no difference in co-operation among the children from urban and rural environment.