Author/Editor     Pogačnik, Marijan; Strgar, Jelka; Žibert, Urška
Title     Uporaba šolskega vrta pri dijakih biotehniške usmeritve
Translated title     Students' use of school garden in biotechnical programmes
Type     članek
Source     266557184
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 377-384
Language     slv
Abstract     V Biotehniškem centru Naklo že nekaj let vzpostavljamo šolski vrt , ki bo namenjen kvalitetnemu poučevanju. V letu 2012 smo začeli s postopnim uvajanjemuporabe šolskega vrta pri teoretičnih predmetih. Iz tega razloga nas je zanimalo mnenje dijakov o uporabi. Anketirali smo 278 dijakov biotehniške usmeritve (52 %) in strokovne gimnazije (48 %). Pri opredeljevanju izraza šolski vrt si večina (58 %) dijakov predstavlja urejen prostor pred in v okolici šole, le 12 % jih trdi, da ima prednost izobraževanje oziroma pridelovanje hrane (10 %). Vendar so v nadaljevanju anketirani dijaki poudarili uporabo šolskega vrta za praktični pouk (4,30) ter za sprostitev (4,18). Tudi iz ostalih trditev je razvidno, da podpirajo koncept uporabe šolskega vrta tudi pri splošnih in strokovnih predmetih. To verjetno trdijo napodlagi izkušenj, saj so bili udeleženci poučevanja pri številnih predmetih,največ pri biologiji (54 %), fiziki (34 %) in geografiji (33 %). Praktični pouk poteka večinoma na zunanjih površinah, zato so ga navajali le redko (4 %). Raziskava je pokazala, da dijaki na poučevanje na šolskem vrtu gledajo pozitivno in so temu naklonjeni. Za večjo uporabe zunanje učilnice bo potrebno bolje opremiti posamezne točke, to promovirati med učitelji in dijaki ter jim z organizacijo omogočati izvedbo nekaterih učnih vsebin.At the Biotechnical Centre Naklo we have been reestablishing a school gardenfor several years. It will be designed for high quality teaching. In 2012 we started with gradual introduction into the use of the school garden attheoretical subjects. That's why we wanted to know the opinion of pupils of our secondary school about the use of school garden. We questioned 278 pupils,there were 52% pupils of biotechnical orientation and 48% of technical gymnasium. At defining the term school garden the majority of pupils (58%) envisioned it as an organized space in the surroundings and in front of the school, only 12% claimed that education hads priority and 10% claimed that themain thing was food production. Furthermore, pupils pointed out the importance of the use of the school garden for practical lessons ( x = 4,30) and for relaxation ( x = 4,18). Judging by other statements it can also be seen that they support the concept of using the school garden at general and technical subjects. They claim that probably on the basis of their own experiences, because they were lessons participants at many subjects, mostly at biology (54%), physics (34%) and geography (33%). In a smaller extent, pupils also mentioned other subjects. Research has shown that pupils have positive attitude towards giving lessons in the school garden. For more extensive use of external classroom it will be necessary to improve individual points, to promote all this among teachers and pupils and make it possible to realize some of the learning contents by good organization.
Keywords     šolski vrtovi
school gardens