Avtor/Urednik     Plankar, Matej; Brežan, Simon
Naslov     The concept of coherence in models of the meaning in cognition
Tip     članek
Vir     10186580
Leto izdaje     2013
Obseg     str. 342-346
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Coherence substantiates a dynamic order between a system's components, thus representing an important organisational principle in life and cognition. Coherentactivity of neuronal assemblies correlates with all basic cognitive functions, including consciousness, andcoherence is also an important mechanism of interneuronal signal processing, e.g., information en-(de)coding, communication and synaptic plasticity. However, according to enactive approach to cognitive science that emphasises organisational autonomy, the brain is not only an information processing machine, it also interprets information from its environment according to the systems norms, and thus creates the meaning. We specify the potential role of coherence as adynamic relation principle- within a cognitive system and with its environment- that could mediate the meaning.
Proste vsebinske oznake     cognition
cognitive science
information processing
Freeman-Vitiello theory