Avtor/Urednik     Mlakar, Polona; Gužič-Salobir, Barbara; Čobo, Nusret; Prezelj, Marija; Terčelj-Zorman, Marjeta; Šabovič, Mišo
Naslov     Influence of short-term cardiacrehabilitation on oxidative stress inmen after myocardial infarction depends upon smoking status
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 33, št. 6
Leto izdaje     2013
Obseg     str. 401-405
ISSN     1539-0691 - Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     PURPOSE: Oxidative stress is an important nonclassical risk factor for myocardial infarction (MI), and thus, it seems extremely important to recognize factors that effectively reduce it. The aim of our study was to explore possible influences of short-term cardiac rehabilitation (CR) of only 2 weeks in duration on oxidative stress in men after MI.METHODS: Male patients (N = 21; aged 41-88 years, median 56 years), 6 to 8 weeks after acute MI, were included in our observational study using a pretest/posttest design. We investigated markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant enzymes before and after CR of only 2 weeks in duration and influence of smoking status on these differences. RESULTS: We found significant decrease in isoprostanes in urine in nonsmokers (n = 9) (P = .036) but not in smokers (n = 12) (not significant) during CR. After CR, nonsmokers had lower isoprostanes in urine (P = .039), lower non-transferrin-bound iron (P = .020), and higher erythrocyte catalase (P = .023) than smokers. Of classical risk factors, only low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was lower in nonsmokers before (P = .041) and after CR (P = .015) than in smokers. No other significant differences were seen at the beginning or at the end of CR.CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, the results of our study indicate for the first time that short-term CR of only 2 weeks in duration already has a positive effect on reduction of oxidative stress in the body. However, this positive effect is seen only in nonsmokers and not in smokers.
Proste vsebinske oznake     cardiac rehabilitation
myocardial infarction
oxidative stress