Author/Editor     Rott, T; Koselj, M; Ferluga, D; Kandus, A; Bren, A; Kveder, R
Title     Pridobljena cistična ledvična bolezen (PCLB) in tumorji pri bolnikih s končno ledvično odpovedjo na nadomestnem zdravljenju
Translated title     Acquired cystic kidney disease (ARCD) and tumours in patients on renal replacement therapy
Type     članek
Source     In: Mašera A, editor. Tumorji ledvic. 25. memorialni sestanek profesorja Janeza Plečnika z mednarodno udeležbo; 1994 dec 1-2; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za patologijo,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 67-76
Language     slo
Abstract     During the years 1989 - 1994, 129 patients on renal replacement therapy from 1 to 222 months, died. The period of chronic renal failure and replacement therapy correlated with the appearance of ARCD, tubular proliferations and (micro)adenomas. In 1 autopsied patients on haemodialysis, ARCD has developed in 53 percent of cases after 7.6 years on average, but in 100 percent after 9 years of treatment. The papillary tubular proliferations, considered as the precursors of renal tumours, were found in almost all ARCD reviewed cases. In all 129 deceased patients, 13 malignancies developed on average after 4.6 years of treatment: 1 kaposi sarcoma, 1 breast cancer, 3 urinary, 3 cutancous, and 4 lung carcinomas. Analgesic nephropathy preceded urinary system cancers in 5 patients. In the same period, 2 kidney carcinomas revealed in still alive patients, were not included in this group.