Author/Editor     Rodríguez-Ruiz, David; García-Manso, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez-Matoso, Dario; Sarmiento, S.; Da Silva-Grigoletto, Marzo; Pišot, Rado
Title     Effects of age and physical activity on response speed in knee flexor and extensor muscles
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 10, št. 2
Publication year     2013
Volume     str. 127-132
ISSN     1861-6909 - European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity
Language     eng
Abstract     This study aims to determine the normalized response speed (Vrn) in vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (BF) muscles in different age groups using tensiomyography. Eighty-four male subjects were divided into four age groups: teenage subjects (T); undergraduate students (U), adult subjects (A), and the elderly group (E). Differences in Vrn were observed between E and T (p=0.000), E and U (p=0.000), and E and A (p=0.018) for right VL and between E and T (p<0.000) and U (p=0.003) for left VL; between T and U (p=0.010) and A (p=0.000) for right VL, and A (p=0.004) for left VL. Vrn in the BF displayed different behavior from that of the VL, increasing moderately or stabilizing and declining slightly in E, in right leg (p=0.020). The data obtained highlighted a decline in Vrn for the VL in both legs with increasing age and, declines in BF response speed were observed only in E
Keywords     Tensiomyography
Muscular response speed
Physical activity