Avtor/Urednik     Grundner, Maja; Zemljič Jokhadar, Špela
Naslov     Cytoskeleton modification and cholesterol depletion affectmembrane properties and caveolae positioning of CHO cells
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2014
ISSN     1432-1424 - The Journal of membrane biology
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The formation of protrusions is necessary fornumerous biological processes. It involves extension of theplasma membrane, and the force needed for this is providedby the actin cytoskeleton. Tether pulling with opticaltweezers can mimic the formation of a protrusion, so weused this method to investigate the effects of modifying notonly actin (with latrunculin A) but also microtubules (withnocodazole) and the plasma membrane itself (with methylb-cyclodextrin) on the Chinese hamster ovary cell membrane. After these modifications, the membrane reservoirwas supposed to redistribute. Caveolae constitute a smallpart of the reservoir, so the redistribution of caveolarproteins such as caveolin-1 and cavin-1 that representscaveolae per se was assessed. The main findings concerningprotrusion force and membrane reservoir availabilitywere as follows: (1) they correlated inversely, (2) theirvalues underwent the greatest change after microtubuledisruption, and (3) membrane composition had a majorinfluence on the parameters studied. F-actin disruption andcholesterol depletion decreased, and microtubule disruptionincreased the amount of the caveolar proteins (caveolae).Caveolae presented just an example of the membranereservoir, and from our findings, we suppose that the perturbationscaused were too large to be related to caveolaeredistribution alone. The integrity of the cytoskeleton andplasma membrane composition are important factors in theformation of protrusions and in determining the availabilityand distribution of the membrane reservoir.
Proste vsebinske oznake     membrane reservoir
optical tweezers
membranska posoda
optične pincete