Avtor/Urednik     Klen, Jasna; Goričar, Katja; Janež, Andrej; Dolžan, Vita
Naslov     The role of genetic factors and kidney and liver function in glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients on long-term metformin and sulphonylurea cotreatment
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2014
Leto izdaje     2014
ISSN     2314-6141 - BioMed research international
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     This study investigated the influence of genetic polymorphisms ofmetformin transporters on long-termglycemic control and lipid status in type 2 diabetes patients in the everyday clinical setting. In total 135 patients treated with combination of metformin and sulphonylurea for at least 6months were genotyped for SLC22A1 rs628031 and SLC47A1 rs2289669 polymorphisms. Relatively good blood glucose control with median HbA1c 6.9 (6.4-7.6) % was achieved on prescribed metformin dosage of 2550 (2000-2550)mg per day. Only 28 (20.7%) patients experienced mild hypoglycemia events, while no severe hypoglycemia events were observed. Most patients had normal or mildly impaired renal function. Parameters indicating renal function were not correlated with fasting glucose, HbA1c, or lipid parameters. Rs628031 and rs2289669 had minor allele frequencies of 0.385 and 0.355, respectively, and were not associated with HbA1c levels. Rs628031 was marginally associated with risk for hypoglycemia events (P = 0.046; OR = 0.51; 95% CI 0.26-0.99), while significant correlation was observed between rs2289669 and total cholesterol levels (P = 0.018). In conclusion, in patients on long-termmetformin and sulphonylurea combination treatment,metformin transporters polymorphisms do not play a major role in glycemic control; however, they may influence lipid status
Proste vsebinske oznake     diabetes type 2
glycemic control
genetic factors
diabetes tip 2
glikemični nadzor
genetski dejavniki