Author/Editor     Čepon, Tjaša; Krebs, Simona; Stangler Herodež, Špela
Title     Joga smeha - učinkovita vadba za starejše
Translated title     Laughter yoga - an effective practice for elderly people
Type     članek
Source     In: Smeh: dopolnilna terapija. 2. mednarodni kongres smeha Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 72-79
Language     slv, eng
Abstract     Smeh je prirojeno izrazno vedenje človeka, je naraven odziv zdravega človeka na komično situacijo. To vedenje človeka urejajo možgani. Ob smehu se aktivira skoraj vsaka celica v telesu. Za smeh so potrebni različni stimulatorji, kot so razni smešni dogodki, vici, žgečkanje, idr. Že zelo star pregovor pravi, da je smeh pol zdravja. Smeh pozitivno vpliva tako na psihično kot na fizično zdravje. Smeh nas dela privlačne, smeh odplakne stres, smeh promovira uspeh, smeh krepi imunski sistem. Smeh je vedenjska prvina pomembna v medosebnih odnosih, ki daje čustven kontekst verbalnemu sporočanju, znižuje krvni tlak, navdihuje druge in še bi lahko naštevali zakaj je smeh koristen. V starosti se ljudje velikokrat srečujejo z vprašanjem ali ima njihovo življenje še smisel. Velikokrat se čutijo osamljene in zapuščene. Poleg vseh oblik delovne terapije in ostalih oblik dela s stanovalci, ki pripomorejo k boljši kvaliteti njihovega bivanja, smo se v našem domu pred dvema letoma odločili, da našim stanovalcem kot eno izmed oblik delovne terapije ponudimo jogo smeha.Laughter is an inherent utterly behaviour of the human being, it represents a natural response of a healthy human being to a comic situation. This kind of human behaviour is managed by the brain. Almost each cell in the body will be activated at laughter. Laughter requires different stimulants, e.g. funny events, jokes, tickling etc. Even a very ancient saying goes that the laughter represents a half of one's state of health. Mental and physical state of health is positively influenced by laughter. Laughter makes us attractive, if flushes away the stress, promotes success and strengthens the immune system. Laughter represents a behavioural primeval, important for the interpersonal relationships, which adds an emotional context to verbal communication, lowers the blood pressure, inspires other people and one could count numerous other cases in sense why it is beneficial for people. When coming into age people will be met by a question if there is still a meaning in their lives. A lot of times they feel lonely and forsaken. Two years ago, we have decided to introduce the laughter yoga as a form of a work therapy, along with all other forms of work therapies and other forms of cooperation with the participants in our retirement home, which improve the quality of their staying at our home.
Descriptors     Laughter Therapy
Smeh, zdravljenje