Author/Editor     Dolenc, VV; Škrap, M; Šušteršič, J; Škrbec, M; Morina, A
Title     A transcavernous-transsellar approach to the basilar tip aneurysms
Type     članek
Source     Br J Neurosurg
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 2
Publication year     1987
Volume     str. 251-9
Language     eng
Abstract     A series of 11 patients with a basilar tip aneurysm were treated operatively. The aneurysm had ruptured in all cases and caused at least one haemorrhage prior to surgery. Four patients harboured large aneurysms, while in the rest of them the aneurysms were small in size. In all the 11 patients a modified pterional transcavernous-transsellar approach was used which considerably facilitated clipping and secured complete exclusion of all aneurysms, including the large ones. Eight patients made a complete recovery and resumed their original occupation. One is hemiparetic but capable of self care, one is hemiplegic, and one died after surgery. The purpose of this report is to present our modified surgical approach to basilar tip aneurysms, which provides good exposure of the entire region of the bifurcation of the basilar artery and adjacent blood vessels as far as the anterior inferior cerebellar arteries, and requires but minimal retraction of the brain.