Avtor/Urednik     D'Adamo, Patrizia; Masetti, Michela; Bianchi, Veronica; Morè, Lorenzo; Mignogna, Maria Lidia; Giannandrea, Maila; Gatti, Silvia; Tancredi, Raffaella
Naslov     RAB GTPases and RAB-interacting proteins and their role in the control of cognitive functions
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2014
ISSN     0149-7634 - Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     A RAS-related class of small monomeric G proteins, the RAB GTPases, is emerging as of key biological importance in compartment specific directional control of vesicles formation, transport and fusion. Thanks to human genetic observation and to the consequent dedicated biochemical work, substantial progress has been made on the understanding of the role played by RAB GTPases and their effector proteins on neuronal development and the shaping of cognitive functions. This review is highlighting these initial elements to broaden the current scope of research on developmental cognitive deficits and take the point of view of RAB GTPases control on membrane transport in neurons and astrocytes.
Proste vsebinske oznake     brain development
G proteins
razvoj možganov
G proteini