Author/Editor     Pavčič, Janez; Zadravec, Matjaž; Olenšek, Andrej; Matjačić, Zlatko
Title     Primerjava zasukov medenice med dvema različnima vodenjema vrtečega se tekočega traku s hojo po tleh
Translated title     Comparison of pelvic rotations during two different types of treadmill control with overground walking
Type     članek
Source     10762836
Vol. and No.     , št. Zv. B
Publication year     2014
Volume     str. 134-137
Language     slv
Abstract     We developed a treadmill which is capable of rotating around vertical axis (yaw rotation). Rotating treadmill was equipped with pelvic support mechanism with incorporated inclinometers through which steering was achieved. Two different modes to initiate treadmill rotation were applied: a) inclination of pelvis to the left or to the right and b ) rotation of pelvis around vertical axis. In this preliminary study we compared rotations (of feet and pelvis) during two modes of controlling rotating treadmill with overground turning of one volunteer. Data was collected using Xsens inertial sensors. Although there are fundamental differences in feet rotations during overground turning when compared to treadmill turning, there are some similarities in pelvic rotations.
Keywords     rotating treadmill
treadmill walking
over ground walking
tekoči trak
tekoči trak vrteči se okoli vertikalne osi