Avtor/Urednik     Djalali, Ahmadreza; Ingrassia, Pier Luigi; Della Corte, Francesco; Foletti, Marco; Ripoll Gallardo, Alba; Ragazzoni, Luca; Kaptan, Kubilay; Lupescu, Olivera; Arculeo, Chris; Arnim, Gotz von; Friedl, Tom; Ashkenazi, Michael; Heselmann, Deike; Hrečkovski, Boris; Khorrram-Manesh, Amir; Komadina, Radko; Lechner, Konstanze; Patru, Christina; Burkle, Frederick M.; Fisher, Philipp
Naslov     Identifying deficiencies in national and foreign medical team responses through expert opinion surveys: implications for education and training
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 29, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2014
Obseg     str. 364-368
ISSN     1049-023X - Prehospital and disaster medicine
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Introduction: Unacceptable practices in the delivery of international medical assistance are reported after every major international disaster; this raises concerns about the clinical competence and practice of some foreign medical teams (FMTs). The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the opinions of disaster management experts about potential deficiencies in the art and science of national and FMTs during disasters and the impact these opinions might have on competency-based education and training. Method: This qualitative study was performed in 2013. A questionnaire-based evaluation of experts% opinions and experiences in responding to disasters was conducted. The selection of the experts was done using the purposeful sampling method, and the sample size was considered by data saturation. Content analysis was used to explore the implications of the data. Results: This study shows that there is a lack of competency-based training for disaster responders. Developing and performing standardized training courses is influenced by shortcomings in budget, expertise, and standards. There is a lack of both coordination and integration among teams and their activities during disasters. The participants of this study emphasized problems concerning access to relevant resources during disasters. Conclusion: The major findings of this study suggest that teams often are not competent during the response phase because of education and training deficiencies. Foreign medical teams and medically related nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) do not always provide expected capabilities and services. Failures in leadership and in coordination among teams are also a problem. All deficiencies need to be applied to competency-based curricula.
Deskriptorji     Disaster medicine
Katastrofe, medicina