Author/Editor     Lamovec, T
Title     Obrambno vedenje, spoprijemanje in samospoštovanje: empirični rezultati
Translated title     Defensive behavior, coping styles and self-esteem: an empirical study report
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 24, št. 5-6
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 135-49
Language     slo
Abstract     Basic concepts are defined along with a description of measuring instruments: Life style questionnaire, Test of defensive behavior, Ways of coping with life problems, and Self-esteem scale. Results and interpretation of factor analysis of these instruments, performed on 184 male and 192 female students of Ljubljana University are outlined. In the second part of this report, correlations among various defensive and coping styles as well as different factors of self-esteem are presented. The interpretation is primarily oriented towards identifying psychologically functional styles of behavior. Most results that were obtained in this study can be considered as expected and can be explained on the basis of psychodinamic theory. Some unexpected results turned up as well, which will hopefuly encourage further research.
Descriptors     LIFE STYLE