Author/Editor     Sedej, Katarina; Rožman, Primož
Title     Novosti pri zdravljenju z gensko terapijo
Translated title     New developments in gene therapy
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 83, št. 11
Publication year     2014
Volume     str. 802-813
ISSN     1581-0224 - Zdravniški vestnik
Language     slv
Abstract     Gene therapy is the treatment of genetic disor - ders by introducing genetic material into cells. For this purpose, viral vectors and non-viral methods for introducing genes into cells are used, the later being in general less effective. After the enthusiastic beginings in 1990, gene ther - apy came to a standstill due to side effects of ad - enoviral vectors during gene therapy and when several patients developed leukemia. Nowadays, many studies are testing clinical efficacy of gene therapy to cure cancer, monogenetic disorders and cardiovascular deseases. In last few years we witnessed successful treatments of some patients with severe immune deficiency, Leber's congeni - tal amaurosis, thalassaemia and adrenoleuko - dystrophy. Recently, approval of the first gene therapy by European authorities was reported. It seems that gene therapy, regardless of the rela - tive delay in the 90's, is coming into forefront of advanced therapies.
Keywords     genska terapija
dedne genetske bolezni
vektorji pri genski terapiji
gene therapy
inherited genetic disease
vectors for gene therapy