Author/Editor     Levstik, A; Kutnjak, Z; Žekš, B; Dumrongrattana, S; Huang, CC
Title     Dielectric method for determining the electrical critical field in ferroelectric liquid crystals
Type     članek
Source     J Phys II
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 7
Publication year     1991
Volume     str. 797-803
Language     eng
Abstract     Both the electrical critical field and the dielectric constant (etha0 delta ethaG) associated with the Goldstone mode in the ferroelectric liquid crystals are related to the helical pitch. A direct relation between these two physical quantities is established. We have calculated the electrical critical field for both DOBAMBC and DOBA-1-MPC compound fromt he measured temperature variation of etha0 delta ethaG and polarization without any adustable parameter. Just below the transition temperature region, the results obtained agree qualitatively with the experimental data. Away from the transition temperature, thre exist systematic deviations.
Descriptors     RESEARCH DESIGN