Author/Editor     Lovinčič, D
Title     Protection and sanification of drinking water resources
Type     članek
Source     In: International symposium on environmental contamination in central and eastern Europe: a forum for technology transfer: proceedings. Budapest,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 431-523
Language     eng
Abstract     Most drinking water resources and some potential water resources in Slovenia have their water protection zones. Regulation considering these protected zones are very strict with a description of the activities which can be allowed in each zone. The main problem is that most of the polluting industry has been in these areas for a very long time. This industry can apply new technologies only if it ecological sanifications is less dangerous for water resources. The first part of the paper deals with the problems of old industry on drinking water protected areas and some areas from which protected resources can be affected. The second part of the paper deals with demands from experience which have to be explained in industrial projects or sanification. The last part of the paper explains in detail some of the demands and reasons for systems like reactor, building and factort catching funneled systems.
Descriptors     FRESH WATER