Author/Editor     Vidmar, Veronika; Mali, Brigita; Horvat, Barbara
Title     Zmanjšana zmožnost samostojnega in varnega hranjenja - pogosta težava v rehabilitacijski zdravstveni negi
Translated title     Reduced ability for safe and efficient feeding - a frequent problem in rehabilitation nursing
Type     članek
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 1
Publication year     2014
Volume     str. 46-51
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Language     slv
Abstract     Izhodišča: Medicinske sestre in zdravstveni tehniki prepoznavajo hranjenje kot eno izmed pogostih težav, s katero se srečujejo pri svojem delu. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, koliko pomoči pri hranjenju potrebujejo bolniki, ki so zaradi rehabilitacije sprejeti na Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski Inštitut Republike Slovenije % Soča (URI % Soča), kako pogosto se jim hrana zaleti, ali potrebujejo hranjenje po hranilni sondi in ali so ob sprejemu prehransko ogroženi. Metode: Vključili smo paciente, ki so bili od 1. marca do 31. avgusta 2013 vključeni v programe rehabilitacije na Oddelku za rehabilitacijo pacientov po možganski kapi in na Oddelku za rehabilitacijo pacientov po nezgodni poškodbi možganov, z multiplo sklerozo in drugimi nevrološkimi obolenji na URI % Soča. Vključili smo paciente, ki so že končali program in so bili odpuščeni v domačo oskrbo. Pregledali smo zdravstveno in negovalno dokumentacijo, oceno prehranske ogroženosti pacienta (NRS 2002) in ocene na motoričnem delu lestvice funkcijske neodvisnosti (FIM). Rezultati: Vključenih je bilo 334 bolnic in bolnikov. Od tega jih je bilo 140 z Oddelka za rehabilitacijo pacientov po možganski kapi, 194 pa z Oddelka za rehabilitacijo pacientov po nezgodni poškodbi možganov, z multiplo sklerozo in drugimi nevrološkimi obolenji. Ugotovili smo, da je ob sprejemu pomoč pri hranjenju potrebovalo kar 73,5 %, ob odpustu pa še vedno 61,3 % pacientov. Zaletavanje hrane smo ugotovili pri 29 % bolnikov. Približno 4 % bolnikov je imelo vstavljeno hranilno sondo, individual - ni prehranski načrt pa je zaradi prehranske ogroženosti potrebovalo 10 % bolnikov. Zaključek: Hranjenje je pogosta težava, s katero se srečujemo pri bolnikih, sprejetih na URI % Soča. Medicinske sestre in zdravstveni tehniki za hranjenje bolnikov potrebujejo veliko znanja, časa in potrpežljivosti.Background: Nurses usually identify feeding as one of the most common problems of patients that they take care for. The aim of this study was to determine how much assistance is needed by the patients who are admitted to the University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia (URI). We included the patients admitted to the Department for rehabilitation after cerebrovascular stroke (Dept. 2) and at the Department for rehabilitation of patients after traumatic brain injury, with multiple sclerosis and other neuromuscular diseases (Dept. 1). We wanted to find out how often the patients have swallowing problems that increase the risk for choking, how often they need a nasogastric tube, and what is the extent of nutritional risk. Methods: The patients admitted to the abovementioned two departments of the URI between 1 March and 31 August 2013 were included in the study. We examined all the medical and nursing records, records of the assessment of nutritional risk to the patient (NRS 2002) and results at motor subscale of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Results: A total of 334 patients were included in the study, 140 from the Dept. 2 and 194 from the Dept. 1. We found that 73.5 % of the patients had feeding problems when they were admitted to inpatient rehabilitation and 61.3% at discharge. Swallowing problems that increased the risk for choking were observed in 29% of the patients; 4% of the patients had a nasogastric tube and 10% of the patients needed an individual food plan because of the established nutritional risk. Conclusion: Feeding the patients is one of the most frequent problems we are dealing with in our rehabilitation institute. Therefore, our nurses need a lot of knowledge, time and patience when they feed such patients.
Descriptors     Nursing
Keywords     feeding
health care
swallowing disorders
zdravstvena nega
motnje požiranja