Avtor/Urednik     Starc, Vito
Naslov     Metabolic but not hypoxemic stimuli are related to the apparent recruitment of capillaries in the muscle
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Computing in cardiology 2014 : September 7-10, 2014, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA [S. l.] : Computing in Cardiology
Leto izdaje     2014
Obseg     str. 885-888
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Increased metabolic rate (MR) and arterial hypoxemia are independent stimuli to increase blood flow and deli- very of oxygen (O 2 ) into the active muscle tissue and may differ in location of their action. We speculated that blood gas analysis could provide the answer whether a given stimulus acts on the recruitment of capillaries, manifested by the apparent density of capillaries. We used the Krogh cylinder model, modified for the description at low partial pressure of O 2 (p O2 ) that lead to O 2 deficit. Using data of Goodman et al. ( Circ Res 43: 769-76, 1978 ) we calculated the apparent density of capillaries, which changed proportionally to MR, but was independent of O 2 saturation of the arterial blood, suggesting that the increased radial O 2 diffusion gradient at higher MR might be responsible for it.
Proste vsebinske oznake     arterial hypoxemia
metabolic rate
capillaries in the muscle
arterijska hipoksemija
hitrost presnove
kapilare v mišicah