Author/Editor     Štrucl, M; Finderle, Ž; Peterec, D
Title     Oscillatory pattern of laser-Doppler flow during postocclusive reactive hyperemia; effects of transmural pressure
Type     članek
Source     Biomed Tech
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 1
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 110-1
Language     eng
Abstract     Finger cutaneous blood flow was monitored by laser-Doppler flowmetry in 12 healthy human subjects after the digital arteries occlusion of 10 minutes duration. During the reactive hyperemic response, by the laser-Doppler flow exhibited characteristic oscillatory pattern. The first part of the hyperemin response was characterized by maximum laser-Doppler flow and large amplitude of the oscillations, which correspond to heart beats. The second part of the response was characterized by the appearance of the periodic oscillations with fundamental frequency from 0.09 to 0.19 Hz. In order to elucidate the physiological background of these phenomena the effects of transmural pressure changes, secured by different positions of the limb, on the hyperemic flow pattern were studied. The amplitude and the duration of the first part of the response were significantly dependent on transmural pressure, while the area under the first part of the response proved to be preassure independent, denoting the predominant role of metabolic component. The fundamental frequency of periodic oscillations in the second part of hyperemic response significantly increased with increasing transmural pressure, what supports the suggestion that these oscillations reflect vasomotion initiated by myogenic mechanisms.
Descriptors     HYPEREMIA