Avtor/Urednik     Remely, M.; Stefanska, Barbara; Lovrečić, Luca; Haslberger, Alexander G.
Naslov     Nutriepigenomics
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 18, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 328-333
ISSN     1363-1950 - Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Nutrients or even diets affect the epigenome by lifelong remodeling. Nutritional imbalances are associated with noncommunicable diseases. Thus, nutriepigenomics is a promising field in the treatment of complex human diseases. The epigenome is susceptible to changes and can be shaped by nutritional states, especially in prenatal period through transgenerational mechanisms and in early postnatal life when critical developmental processes are taking place. Although more stable, the epigenetic marks in adulthood are also dynamic and modifiable by environmental factors including diet. The present review is focused on the most recent knowledge of epigenetically active nutrients/diets including transgenerational inheritance and prenatal predispositions related to increased risk for cancer, metabolic syndrome, and neurodegenerative diseases. Nutriepigenomics: the role of nutrition in epigenetic control of human diseases.
Proste vsebinske oznake     nutrients
human diseases