Author/Editor     Vodušek, DB
Title     Perineal neurostimulation: neurophysiological basis
Type     članek
Source     Urodinamica
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 39-45
Language     eng
Abstract     Neural control of lower urinary tract function can in principle sustain two basic activities - urine storage and emptying. It can be conceptualised to consist of control elements for determining: the thresholds for detrusor and sphincter activation; the gain adjustments for their function; the filter and switch mechanisms to control flow of information. In neurogenic cnditions our present interest is focused on diagnosing the site and degree of the lesion; it should be equally important, however, to assess the disregulatory status of the altered nervous system. Therapeutic electrical stimulation can be applied to substitute for lost neural control, but also for achieving long lasting peripheral and central effects. The postulated peripheral effects are pelvic floor muscle hypertrophy, changes in motor unit metabolism, and changes in detrusor receptors. Among the "central" effects are detrusor inhibition and possibly changes in learnt behaviour. The central effects can be conceptualised as modificitaions of the altered neural integrative function.
Descriptors     PERINEUM