Author/Editor     Prešern-Štrukelj, M; Likar, B; Karba, R; Klešnik, M; Vodovnik, L
Title     Uporaba električne stimulacije pri celjenju ran
Translated title     Use of electrical stimulation in wound healing
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 64, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. I-23-I-25
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Pressure sores and ischemic wounds represent a serious problem not only to patients but also to medical centers where such patients are treated. Treatment of pressure sores and ischemic wounds, even in the best conditions, is usually time consuming and often inefficient. The idea of applying electrical stimulation (ES) for promoting the healing of pressure sores and ischemic wounds was begotten in the process of using functional electrical stimulation (FES) which has long been used in patients with an upper motorneurone lesion to enable them to perform a functional movement. In patients suffering from pressure sores, the latter were found to have healed faster under the influence of ES. This is how we first began introducing ES for accelerating the healing of sores in patients with spinal injuries in whom pressure sores occur most frequently. After the first promising responses obtained in the healing of wounds by electrical stimulation, the method was also introduced in healing post-operative wounds on stumps in amputees. Patients and methods. The effect of electrical stimulation on wound healing was studied in 89 lower-limb amputees. In 25 patients the cause of the amputation was an injury, 17 were suffering from pressure sores, while in 47 patients amputation was performed due to diseased blood vessels. Electrical stimulation was applied two hours per day. Self-adhesive electrodes were positioned onto the skin in the environs of the wound. Electrical stimulation was performed by using a DECUS device, manufactured by Jožef Stefan Institute. The stimulation frequency amounted to 40 Hz, pulse width to 025 ms, while the amplitude was determined for each patient individually (mostly between 15 and 25 mA), causing a slight muscle contraction. Results. Abstract truncated at 3200 characters.