Avtor/Urednik     Hvalič Touzery, Simona
Naslov     Izkušnje študentov zdravstvene nege z umiranjem in žalovanjem
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zdravstvene stroke in njihov odziv na zdravstvene potrebe družbe: na dokazih podprto in usklajeno delovanje : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo, Bled, 11.-12. junij 2015 : = Proceedings of lectures with peer review, 11th - 12th June 2015, Bled Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 288-296
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Teoretična izhodišča: Izkušnje s smrtjo pomembno vplivajo na posameznikov odnos do umiranja in smrti. V zahodnem svetu sta smrt in umiranje pomaknjena stran od ljudi, zato so slabo pripravljeni nanju ter se ju pogosto bojijo. Ker se z boleznijo večinoma ukvarjajo v bolnišnicah, tam večina ljudi tudi umre. Zdravstveni delavci so torej tisti, ki se pri svojem delu pogosto soočajo z umirajočimi pacienti. Zaradi preteklih izkušenj, kulturnih vzorcev in neustrezne podpore pri tem mnogi doživljajo stiske in težave. Tudi študenti zdravstvene nege se osebno ali pa pri praksi soočajo z umiranjem, na kar so različno pripravljeni. Metoda: Uporabili smo priložnostni vzorec. Kvantitativna raziskava je potekala med petimi generacijami študentov 2. letnika na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Jesenice. Skupni vzorec je 85 rednih in izrednih študentov zdravstvene nege. Vprašalnik je povzet po Wordenu (1991) in vsebuje 18 odprtih vprašanj. Manjši del podatkov smo analizirali v programu SPSS 20.0 z uporabo opisne statistike. Besedila smo analizirali s pomočjo kvalitativne analize vsebine in Steinbockove vizualizacijske tehnike. Rezultati: Vsi študenti v raziskavi so se že srečali s smrtjo v družini, prijateljev ali pacientov. Prvič so se soočili s smrtjo pri povpečni starosti 11,5 let. V zadnjem letu pred anketiranjem jih je imelo izkušnje s smrtjo 54,5%, od tega polovica pred tremi meseci ali manj. Študentom sta bila ob smrti najbolj v pomoč podpora bližnjih (družine in prijateljev) in pogovor z njimi, najmanj pa izrečene splošne fraze. Tako kot je pred desetletji ugotavljal Worden, je tudi naša raziskava pokazala, da je za študente žalovanje zaključeno, ko posameznik lahko razmišlja o pokojniku ne da bi ob tem čutil bolečino, ko sprejmejo izguno in ko prenehajo stalno mislita na pokojnika. Razprava: Študenti zdravstvene nege so umiranju in smrti bolj izpostavljeni kot študenti mnogih drugih področij. S tovrstno izgubo se različno spoprijemajo. Pomembno je, da v času študija pridobijo dovolj znanj za nudenje zdravstvene nege umirajočim ter pozitiven zgled in podporo s strani kliničnih mentorjev.Theoretical background: Personal experiences with death and dying have a significant impact on individuals' attitude towards death and dying. In the Western world, death and dying are moved away from people, thus people are not well prepared for it. Since disease is managed often in hospitals, more people die there. Health workers are therefore those who are often faced with dying patients. Many of them face distress and difficulties due to their past experiences, cultural patterns and inadequate support. Nursing students are more often in contact with death and dying, yet their level of preparedness for it varies grately. Method: We used a convenience sample. The quantitative study was conducted among five generations of nursing students in the 2nd year of study at the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice. 85 nursing students were included in a study. The questionnaire is taken from Worden (1991) and consists of 18 open questions. A smaller part of the data was processed with the statistical package SPSS 20.0. The open-ended questions were submitted to content analysis using the Steinbock visualisation technique. Results: All students in the study have experiences with death of a family member, friend or a patient. The average age when they had the first experience with death was 11.5 years. In the last year prior to the interview 54.5 % had experience with death and half of those in the last three months. For the students, the most helpful in the time of death was the support of the loved ones (family, friends) and conversation with them, while some frequently spoken frases were the least helpful. Similarly to Worden, our research found that for students the mourning is completed when the individuals can think about the deceased without feeling sad, when they accept the loss and when they don't think constantly of the diseased one. Discussion: Nursing students are more exposed to death and dying than many other students. They deal with it in a diverse way. It is important that they obtain sufficient knowledge for the end-of-life care and a positive example and support by clinical mentors during their study.
Proste vsebinske oznake     zdravstvena nega
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