Author/Editor     Škof, M; Molan, G
Title     Impacts of human fitness for duty on system's performance - human reliability and system's performance
Type     članek
Source     In: Stritar A, Mavko B, editors. Proceedings of the International meeting PSA/PRA and severe accidents '94; 1994 Apr 17-20; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Nuclear society of Slovenia,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 428-35
Language     eng
Abstract     According to the results of root cause analyses almost 80 percent of all the events in nuclear power plants are consequences of human mistakes. Human errors are consequences of cognitive and sensorimotor availability. Low level of cognitive availability causes knowledge based arrore-consequences are usually incapabilities to evaluate the situation in the system. Low level of sensorimotor availability causes skill based errors which are obvious in inadequate reactions in production situation. Self estimations of fitness for duty are indicators of human actual availability and include also perceived abilities, knowledge and motivation. According to our model we are able to estimate human cognitive and sensorimotor availability in a real situation from the fitness for duty data. Final purpose of this model is to predict a system's performance data from human fitness for duty data. The developed model is a tool for this prediction in a real working situation.