Author/Editor     Rakovec, P; Zupan, I; Šinkovec, M
Title     Spontaneous shifts in the sinus node pacemaker complex
Type     članek
Source     J Electrocardiol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. 2
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 1-4
Language     eng
Abstract     Shifts in sinus node pacemaker complex may occur spontaneously, but occurrence of clinically relevant shifts is very rare. In this report, three patients (two are siblings) with a history of palpitations and nearly permanent shifts in sinus node pacemaker complex are presented. Often, but not always, the pacemaker shifts followed spontaneous sinoatrial exit blocks. The shifts were probably related to varying vagal tone, since they were eliminated by atropine and exercise. The experience with these patients suggests that sinus pacemaker shifts can be a cause of symptomatic nonrespiratory sinus arrhythmia. A 4-year follow-up period showed no changes in symptoms or in the heart rhythm; therefore, a benign course of the disease can be expected.
Descriptors     SINOATRIAL NODE