Author/Editor     Tomaževič, T; Meden-Vrtovec, H
Title     Early timed follicular aspiration of one ovary (ETFA) simple prevention in cycles at high risk of severe OHSS?
Type     članek
Source     In: Aburumieh A, Bernat E, Dohr G et al, editors. 9th world congress on in vitro fertilization and asssisted reproduction; 1995 Apr 3-7; Vienna. Bologna: Monduzzi editore,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 215-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Our previous observations in 17 patients at high risk of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) showed that carly timed follicular aspiration of one overy (ETFA) effectively prevented the development of severe OHSS. The objective of this study was to evaluate the preventive value of ETFA on a large number of stimulated IVF/ET cycles. Prospectively collected data on 6789 IVF/ET cycles from the Ljubljana IVF/ET programme (1984-1993) were retrospectively analyzed. All IVF/ET cycles regardless of the risk of severe OHSS, and the IVF/ET cycles at high risk of severe OHSS were evaluated. The occurrence of severe OHSS in the periods before and after the introduction of preventive ETFA were compared. In the period from 1992-1993 ETFA was performed in 123 IVF/ET cycles at high risk of OHSS. In 2196 stimulated IVF/ET cycles during this period there were no cases of severe OHSS. In the period 1984-1992, when conventional normally timed follicular aspiration (NTFA) of both ovaries was performed in high risk cases, there were 16 cases of severe OHSS of 4593 INF/ET cycles. The occurrence of severe OHSS in the two periods differed significantly (P less th. 0.05). The study group of 99 IVF/ET female infertility cycles at high risk of severe OHSS with ETFA was compared to the control group of 92 female IVF/ET cycles with conventional NTFA only. In the study group there were no severe OHSS. In the control gorup severe OHSS occurred in 11 cases. The difference was highly significant (P less th. 0.05). These results confirm that ETFA is a highly preventive procedure, and presents another successful option to prevent severe OHSS in assisted reproduction.