Author/Editor     Kraker-Starman, A
Title     Čeri zdravstvene vzgoje med mladino
Translated title     Problems of health education among the young population
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 57-65
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of the health education is a healthy society. This can be achieved by increasing health responsibility in the individual and in the society. In the individual, the aim is achieved if he/she chooses and asserts a healthy lifestyle from an early age. In the society, it would be achieved with active health care for the whole population by an extensive preventive programme, especially for jeopardised groups, and by supporting health education. Good results can be expected with early beginning of these activities. Adolescents should be positively motivated for their health. Health and education services should actively engage in health education of future parents and of children at an early age, and should stick to this programme. Parents must take full responsibility for their children's health. A tolerance in human relations and feeling of warmth and safety within family are very important in prevention of violence against oneself and against others.
Descriptors     HEALTH EDUCATION