Author/Editor     Jakić, M
Title     Pojav menarhe pri sestrah
Translated title     Occurrence of menarche in sisters
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 101-3
Language     slo
Abstract     The purpose of the study was to determine the occurrence of menarche in sisters in comparison with girls who are not kin. 986 girls aged 9 and 15 years and having an older or younger sister were inquired in 11 Osijek primary schools. 148 selected girls (74 pairs of sisters) have been followed for 4 years till the first menstruation. At the occurrence of menarche girls' height and weight were determined. In sisters significant positive correlation of age at menarche was found (r = 0,389; p less th. 0,01), while in girls, who were not kin, a nonsignificant negative one was observed (r = -0,152; p more th. 0,05). These results show considerably lower variability of menarche occurrence in sisters. Significant positive correlation was also found for weight (r = 0,240; p less th. 0,01) and height (r = 0,334; p less th. 0,01) at menarche in sisters. Correlation of height at menarche was also found in girls who were not kin, but the coefficient was lower (r = 0,161; p less th. 0,05). Significant correlation of weight was not observed in this group (r = -0,094; p more th. 0,05). These findings imply considerable hereditary influence on the association of menarche and body weight and height.
Descriptors     MENARCHE