Author/Editor     Maslo, M; Krek, M
Title     Vzgoja mladostnika za zdravo življenje v prostem času
Translated title     The education of youths for a healthy life in their leisure time
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 257-67
Language     slo
Abstract     The abuse of legal and illegal drugs among the youths of the Littoral has inevitably raised the following question: is it possible to educate the young to spend their free time in a useful and healthy way? The results of some researches obtained by the new approaches used in medical education and by active cooperation of the pupils have indicated that many youths spend their free time in an unhealthy way. The questionnaire, carried out by the pupils of the Piran Elementary School, has shown that the youths are greatly exposed to the negative infiuences of their peers and environment. The research on selling alcohol to the youths which was carried out by the Lucija Elementary School pupils, supports these findings. This serious situation demands our attention and efforts to ensure conditons for a healthy life and useful spending of free time. As a result of this we have formed local action groups with which we have made an essential move towards incorporating important social factors which are also responsible for the health of people.