Author/Editor     Krek, M; Mišigoj-Krek, J; Maslo, M; Orbanič, V; Merljak, I
Title     Pogostnost uživanja nekaterih drog med mladimi
Translated title     Frequency of certain types of drug abuse among young people
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 289-99
Language     slo
Abstract     The authors describe results of a study carried out among 2,750 secondary school pupils in the Slovenian coast district. Pupils were inquired by their school fellows with help of the authors. The most common drug among pupils is alcohol, followed by tobacco, coffee, marijuana and illegal drugs. Adolescents begin to abuse drugs more frequentlv just in the growing up period, when the number of those who have already used some drug increases significantly. The results show that drug abuse has become rather common in our schools. Most frequently drugs are used at home, but sometimes also in school or at parties. School doctors and school counsellors play an important role in prevention of legal and illegal drug abuse. In preventive and curative work with addicted young people it should be recognised that every individual is psychophysical and social being; the efforts should, therefore, be aimed at all three domains. Physicians, teachers and school counsellors should cooperate. Together with parents and other institutions they should provide appropriate conditions for healthy life of our adolescents. Only in this way satisfactory results can be expected.
Descriptors     SUBSTANCE ABUSE