Author/Editor     Donadini, M
Title     Šolski otroci kot pregnanci in begunci v splitski regiji
Translated title     Schoolchildren as exiles and refugees in the Split region
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 311-5
Language     slo
Abstract     One of the consequences of the aggression on Croatia is a great number of displaced persons from Croatia and refugees from Bosnia and Hercegovina. War conditions and exile have a negative influence on population health, particularly on health of children and adolescents. In the middle of l993 in Split, Solin, Kaštel, Trogir, Omiš, Sinj, Hvar, Brač and Vis region there were 59,012 displaced persons and refugees among 404,602 inhabitants, 37 percent of them children. Mental disorders because of war experiences represent a special problem. Therefore, a continuous follow up, examination and aid for children with psychological war trauma is organised by the Consulting centre for developmental disorders. The most common symptoms in these children are fright, poor school success, fear of death and of losing beloved ones, avoiding company, nightmares, aggressive war drawings, psychosomatic disorders, and serious depression, even with suicide attempts. The results show that war conditions especially affect the health of displaced and refugee children, war orphans, children of parents in military service, and children separated from parents and family.
Descriptors     REFUGEES