Author/Editor     Zupanič-Slavec, Z
Title     Med medicino in literaturo - uvodnik
Translated title     Between medicine and literature - leading article
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Med medicino in literaturo. 1. Pintarjevi dnevi: srečanje medikohistorikov Alpe-Jadran; 1994 okt 14-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 3-11
Language     slo
Abstract     At the symposium "Between medicine and literature" we tried to reveal the relationship between medicine and literature and find out, whether the fact that so many doctors were also writers is a mere coincidence or, maybe there are some hidden bonds between the two professions. In the introduction the author analyses the reasons for which a doctor would turn to a literary confession. The article presents some prominent European doctors-writers and their work (Schiller, Schnitzler, Rabelais, Čehov, Cronin, Maugham, Munthe, Doeblin, Brecht, Celine...) as well as, writers who often used themes from medicine in their literary works (Moliere, Ibsen, Kafka, Joyce).