Author/Editor     Kos, J
Title     Podobe sveta v delih literarnih ustvarjalcev medicincev
Translated title     Images of the world in the works of literary creators - doctors
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Med medicino in literaturo. 1. Pintarjevi dnevi: srečanje medikohistorikov Alpe-Jadran; 1994 okt 14-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 13-5
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents author's views on how the profession of a writer (e.g. priest, lawyer, physician) affects his or her literary confession. With regard to their perception and portraying of the world, he groups medical writers into three categories: vitalists, who respond to pain and suffering with potentiated cheerfulness and erotics, pessimists, who paint their literary world with the skepticism, cynism and fatalism, and the group of authors who introduce humanistic ideas and moral obligations in their literary works.