Author/Editor     Vulikić, V
Title     Prof. dr. Aleksander Gala in prim. dr. Božena Grosman - partizanska pisatelja
Translated title     Prof. Aleksander Gala, M.D. and prim. Božena Grosman, M.D. - the partisan writers
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Med medicino in literaturo. 1. Pintarjevi dnevi: srečanje medikohistorikov Alpe-Jadran; 1994 okt 14-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 143-54
Language     slo
Abstract     Not many doctors write about their medical experiences during the partisan period in a literary form. Some of them wrote war memoirs (Franc Derganc, Franja Bojc-Bidovec and two others mentioned below). The others. (R. Bobič, Pavla Jerina-Lah, F. Brumen, J. Milčinski, I. Hribernik, J. Kostnapfel, E. Pert, C. Porekar, H. Zaveršnik, V. Vulikič and probably some others) wrote monographs, stories and short stories published in medical newsletters and other journals. Prof. Dr. Aleksander Gala (1916-1978) organized as a young doctor the first partisan hospitals in Notranjska and Primorska region. His partisan life, full of hardship but rich in experience greatly inspired his literary works: Ogenjca (Litle Fires) is a moving story about a tragic fate of wounded partisans in the hospital at Loški potok. During the Italian invasion the wounded were evacuated to a nearby karst cave. They were betrayed and the Italians discovered the cave. The wounded prefered death to surrender. The work reads like a tingling story. It also seved as a script for a TV movie. The Work Partizanski zdravnik (Partisan Doctor) describes the beginning of partisan medical service, the period of uncertainty when doctors could help the wounded only by words of comfort since they lacked in medicine and narcotics. These memoirs are quite valuable as they depict true events and describe great humanity of medical and nursing staff. Prim. dr. Božena Grosman (1903-1987) wrote numerous short stories and two books of memoirs: Nekoč je bilo (It happened once) - here the author describes her life in occupied Ljubljana and Zagreb, her deportation to Serbia, the time she joined the partisans and her work in hospitals in Kočevski Rog. She treated mothers with babies and escorted them to Italy and back across Split to the liberated territory of Ljubljana.(trunc.)