Author/Editor     Prijatelj, A
Title     Fran Goestl in Franc Derganc star. - zdravnika in pisatelja
Translated title     Fran Goestl and Franc Derganc sen. - the doctors and writers
Type     članek
Source     In: Zupanič-Slavec Z, editor. Zbornik referatov Med medicino in literaturo. 1. Pintarjevi dnevi: srečanje medikohistorikov Alpe-Jadran; 1994 okt 14-15; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino medicine,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 171-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Prim. Dr. Fran Groestl (27.9.1865-28.1.1945) and Prim. Dr. Franc Derganc (26.6.1877-30.6.1939), were doctors, writers and close friends. They both graduated at the Medical Faculty in Vienna; Dr. Goestl in 1896 and Dr. Derganc in 1903. During their study years they socialized with well known Slovene writers and poets (Ivan Cankar and Oton župančič) and were literary very active themselves. Later on their professional path split - Dr. Goestl specialized in psychiatry and Dr. Derganc in surgery. However they retained common interests. Both felt that alcoholism was the evil of the Slovene nation. They were the initiators of the doctors' campaign against alcoholism. They wrote articles, held lectures; Dr. Goestl also wrote a book. They strived for better organization of the health service in Slovenia. When Dr. Goestl returned from Gorica and from the refugee camp in Kromeriž, they met again in Ljubljana and maintained close contacts ever since. These two literate physicians wrote not only about the medical issues and profession but also about philosophy and their conception of the world.