Author/Editor     Rugelj, Darja
Title     Pogostnost pojavljanja bolečine v križu pri medicinskih sestrah
Translated title     The frequency of low back pain in nurses
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 29, št. 3-4
Publication year     1995
Volume     str. 139-42
Language     slo
Summary     The participants of the Congress of Nursing have been interviewed about the frequency of low back pain they are experiencing. The results show that 82 % of the nurses experience frequent low back pain. The level of education and the lenght of employment do not play any statistically significant role. The group with high school degree and frequent low back pain was significantly older than the group with higher school degree and frequent low back pain. The work with the disabled and the paralyzed plays an important role in the frequency of low back pain. We can therefore assume that the work of a nurse is only one of the factors for the occurrence of low back pain, except in cases when nurses mailny work with the disahled and the handicapped.
Descriptors     LOW BACK PAIN